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HANNOVER MESSE | Coming Together Creating Opportunities World.Leading.Industryshow.

Industry 4.0 made in Baden-Württemberg

Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg at the Hannover Messe

Every year since 2015, Allianz Industrie 4.0 has been part of the most important leading industry trade fair with a joint booth. Our co-exhibitors are established companies, research institutions and startups that can ideally present themselves there. We show trends and developments and what Baden-Württemberg has to offer in the field of digitalization and Industry 4.0.


Companies and research institutions develop innovative ideas and new technologies


 Industry 4.0 pioneers implement solutions along the value chain and provide impetus for others

Digital Transformation

Increasing the flexibility of value chains creates an efficient value network


Stakeholders become partners, they network and reach a new level of digitalization

22. - 26. April 2024

Hannover Messe 2024

Another successful trade fair appearance with Baden-Württemberg’s (hidden) champions, start-ups, research institutions and universities

We were able to welcome many international delegations and high-ranking politicians, such as Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut.

companies, research, network

Exhibitors 2024

The Baden-Württemberg joint stand brought together inspiring projects and convincing digitalization solutions right from THE LÄND. These exhibitors were there:


asvin GmbH

Centrum für Digitalisierung, Führung und Nachhaltigkeit Schwarzwald gGmbH

Christian Meier GmbH & Co. KG

Cyber Valley GmbH

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)

fischertechnik GmbH

Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB

Hochschule Aalen

Hochschule Mannheim

IMSYS Immersive Systeme GmbH & Co. KG

inevvo solutions GmbH & Co. KG

Instawerk GmbH

KI-Allianz Baden-Württemberg eG

neogramm GmbH

prenode GmbH

Process Genius GmbH

Schubert Additive Solutions GmbH

Transferplattform BW Industrie 4.0 (TPBWI4.0)

Universität Stuttgart

Versino AG


Hannover Messe 2023


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Together with our partner Baden-Württemberg International, we were represented with a joint booth in the „Digital Ecosystems“ area.

Larger, more interactive, more diverse – in 2023 we have put together a lot: the largest stand to date, a stand programme for the first time, a photo booth with quiz and a drinks robot.

Co-exhibitors 2023

The joint Baden-Württemberg booth brings together inspiring projects and convincing digitalization solutions from THE LÄND. These exhibitors were there:

asvin GmbH

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)

Fischer Information Technology AG 

Fraunhofer-Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB

H&F Solutions GmbH

Aalen University

Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart

Kaltenbach Solutions GmbH

Mondas GmbH

neogramm GmbH & Co. KG


Discover the innovative solutions of the companies and research institutions.

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asvin GmbH


Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO

Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB

Hochschule Karlsruhe, IUMS

neogramm GmbH & Co. KG

Servitize UG

Soehnle Industrial Solutions GmbH

Transferplattform Baden-Württemberg Industrie 4.0 - TPBW I4.0

Trotec Laser Automation GmbH

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